Archive for November 21st, 2019

The Undeniable Religious Underpinnings of an American Holiday

And, even though it is stated by Anthony in about as many words, and I know someone will want to bring it up, I remind us all that we do not claim that all of the Founding Fathers of the USA were Christian, merely that Christian principles were used to guide the foundation of this nation. Read more for the evidence of such.
(And thank you, Anthony, for compiling these.)


The Recovering Legalist

No Arguments

I don’t want to get into any arguments this Thanksgiving, believe me. I only look forward to meeting with family, eating turkey, along with every imaginable kind of casserole, then later flopping prostrate onto some flat surface to nap through the mythical effects of tryptophan and marshmallows. But just as with so many other things in this politically-correct life, there are those who want to make a case against Thanksgiving, at least the religious underpinnings it brings to the dinner table.

Like as with Christmas, there will inevitably be those who want to keep God out of Thanksgiving.

There has been so much debate over the level of influence religion (specifically Christianity) had in the founding of our great nation, the United States of America. Many have argued that our forefathers wanted nothing more than a completely secular society void of anything sacred. Others have argued that our…

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How to Find Contradictions in the Bible

This post is on another blog.
This post is on my blog.
Only slightly …


A Bit of Orange

If you’ve spent any time listening to the criticisms of Christianity from skeptics, you very quickly hear the assertion that there are contradictions in the Bible. Not only are you told that the Bible contradicts itself (thus, they assure you, destroying the claim that it is the word of God) but you will be told that it contradicts itself HUNDREDS OF TIMES! Ask any skeptic and they will echo this claim with great confidence. However, when you ask them to show you an example, they very often will say something like, “There are SO MANY. I don’t even know where to begin!” And they will not be able to show you a single one. Without their help, you are left to dig into the scriptures yourself to find those HUNDREDS of alleged contradictions.

If you’re like a lot of Christians, you’ve probably read the Bible for many years without seeing…

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Interviewing Doreen Virtue

It is good to know the dangers that lurk even in our own churches, perhaps even in our own beliefs. (I know I have cleared out some misunderstandings and misguided beliefs over the years!)


Tulips & Honey

Hello, dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well. Today we’ve dropped an episode where we interviewed our sister-in-Christ, Doreen Virtue. Doreen went from being a New Age author to a born again believer when God graciously showed her the truth of His Word. She now spends her days learning more and more about Gods Word, encouraging believers, and warning others about false teachers. She was kind enough to join us on the program and discuss her journey, and give some great advice for helping believers to reach out to New Agers.

If you have family members that have been taken in by the deception of the New Age movement, like Becca and I, then this episode will be helpful for understanding them better. It helps that Doreen has a very kind, and gracious, disposition which has served as a wonderful example to me. I thank God…

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VerseD: James 1:13

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.
James 1:13, ESV

God cannot be bargained with, nor does He tempt us. He may allow us to be tested, and He may let us tell, scream, complain, and plead.

He has a plan, is in control, and waits for us to call on Him for help and wisdom.