This Sunday at Church: Share Your Prayer Request with someone

Our little church has a prayer team. It meets each Sunday before the main service to pray for the general needs of the congregation and our world, some are present at the end fir specific prayer needs, and each Saturday at someone’s house. There is always someone available.
Just like Jim, I will also ask for prayer: on top of being the Youth Pastor, I am a barista at a local coffee shop as well as a wedding officiant. All three professions have recently offered increased responsibility: more of a supervisory/outreach role with my friend’s officiancy ministry, assistant manager position at the coffee shop, and becoming the newest elder at the church. It is a lot of new responsibilities all at once, especially in the lives of the congregation. Please pray for wisdom, grace, effective time management, energy, and of course love for me to lead and shepherd well. And to know when to say no!


The Domain for Truth

This Sunday at Church I want to encourage you to do the following: Share Your Prayer Request with someone.

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  1. Daniel I just prayed for you

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