This Sunday at Church: Thank someone who works behind the scene

So maybe for the past few months it has been one of the youth boys doing sound stuff at our local church, but the point still stands! (Read this brother’s post to know what I mean!)

The Domain for Truth

The Lord’s Day is important.  The Church is important.  Those are things near to my heart.  They are things near to the heart of God.  Christ died for His church.  The church, imperfect as it is, is what God uses to reach the lost and mobilize missions at the grass root level.  It is where one generation imparts the Gospel to the next generation and the younger generations bury one generation, preaching that same precious Gospel as a reminder of the hope of the Gospel and also to convert sinners to Christ for them to go to heaven.

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  1. Thanks for the post Danial. I have always said that those people are just as important as those that are on the stage. We have started having a “Volunteer of the Week” at my church to show those people just how much we appreciate everything they do.

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    • Our church is still small enough that we all know who does what, especially seeing as many of us can do just about everything. My wife (Children’s director) and I (Youth Pastor) thank the Children’s and Youth volunteers after every class/event. Our pastor does, too!

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  2. Thank you for reblogging this

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  3. Going to schedule this to be shared on Twitter in a few hours from now in the morning!

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